Dr.Sakura & Chara-Rimpa’s Care-town Nagato “Ceiling Mural; Makes You Smile!” received an award for Best Shikkui Work from Japan Shikkui Association on Sept.15. This award is given to such magnificent architectural works as Himeji Castle and Tokyo Marunouchi Station.

*Shikkui is a special Japanese plaster.





Sgraffito means “to scratch,” or “to scrape.” This Fresco technique is used to draw on a plaster surface. First, colors are painted on a plaster surface, and then another layer of plaster is applied on top. Finally, the top layer is scraped off along a design outline. Limewater is applied to the surface to cover the paint. The paint becomes calcified and works to preserve the bright colors. This technique was mainly used in medieval European architecture as a decorative technique.


“引っ掻く・削り出す”事を 『ズグラフィート』と言います。石灰マルタ〔石灰+骨材混合〕に描く方法を『フレスコ』と呼び、さらに石灰マルタを重ね、上の層を削り落として、下地の色で絵を描いていく技法が『ズグラフィート』です。表面の石灰水が顔料を吸い覆い、空気中の二酸化炭素と反応して 透明に結晶化(カルサイト・鍾乳石化)した色彩は閉じ込められ、鮮度が永久的に退色しません。主に建築装飾として中世ヨーロッパで用いられてきた技法です。

2m x 45m


1: The Making of Full Scale Drawing


“Let’s make a flower field!” 120 children of Saiki-City made a full-scale drawing. They drew really wonderful pictures using specially made large paintbrushes.

1. 原寸大原画の制作


2: Making of Special Decal: Cartone


By using incense sticks, we burned small holes along the outline of the children’s drawings. These holes were used to transfer the lines of the drawings onto the surface of the wall.

2. 転写用の穴あけ作業【カルトーネ / cartone】


3: The first layer and coloring


When the first layer of plaster was only half-dry, we painted using water-soluble pigments. This special period of time is called the “golden time zone,” meaning the time when the plaster absorbs pigments best. We felt thrill and excitement beyond words.

3.下塗り(左官)とフレスコ彩色塗装【フレスコ / fresco】


4: Scratching & Scraping: Sgraffito


The last procedure is scraping. The shape of the design must be scraped before the plaster completely dries. We had to race against the clock.

4. 掻き出し、削り作業【ズグラフィート / sgraffito】

あとはひたすら削るのみ。表面が乾燥してくると堅くなってしまい削れなくなりますから、時間との競争 です。左官職人さんが上層石灰マルタを塗るやいなや追いかけるように作業を進めなければなりません。

Opening Party



佐伯を愛して佐伯の発展にご尽力された 人生の先輩たち に感謝と敬愛の気持ちを込めて施設に『お花でいっぱいの天井壁画を贈る」ケアタウンながと プレゼンツの市民参加型壁画プロジェクトです。

原寸大の原画は、佐伯のこどもたち120名と、壁画家・佐倉康之が描きました。こどもはエネルギーの源。未来を担うこどもたちの描く お花畑 のトンネル。それを現場で壁画にするのは佐伯市民(削り隊150名)のみなさんです。


Care-town Nagato / ケアタウンながと